バグ #374
機能 #373: Redmine GitHub Hook の導入(3回目) - Redmine version: 3.4
Host key verification failed.
Webhooks / Manage webhook¶
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200 Response¶
[" GithubHook: Executing command: 'git fetch origin'"," GithubHook: Command 'git fetch origin' didn't exit properly. Full output: [\"Could not create directory '/usr/share/httpd/.ssh'.\r\n\", \"Host key verification failed.\r\n\", \"fatal: Could not read from remote repository.\n\", \"\n\", \"Please make sure you have the correct access rights\n\", \"and the repository exists.\n\"]"," GithubHook: Redmine repository updated: github (Git: 522.8ms, Redmine: 10.2ms)"]
古明地こいし @redmizo_info さんがほぼ7年前に更新
Commit: c1e41efbb8c352e5a622e6916323d781d4473952
Author: みぞ@CrazyBeatCoder mizo0203@mizo0203.com
Date: 2018-05-26 (Sat, 26 May 2018)
Log Message:
Redmine 3.4.5 アップグレード後の動作確認. refs #374
みぞ @mizo0203 さんがほぼ7年前に更新
- ステータス を 新規 から 進行中 に変更
- 進捗率 を 0 から 40 に変更
更新履歴 github|c1e41efbb8c352e5a622e6916323d781d4473952 で適用されました。